See the English version further down the page: Global Financial Crisis: everything is fine!
La crise est finie
La crise est finie
Il n’y aura pas de double dip récession (nouveau plongeon de crise)
2007-2008 est loin
Ce sont les informations que véhiculaient les marchés financiers internationaux tout au long du mois de septembre
Finalement, tout allait bien
En 48 heures, quelques informations troublantes viennent de changer le ton de cette musique euphorique
En premier lieu, le gouvernement américain vient d’annoncer qu’il rachetait les déficits des Crédit Unions menacés par la faillite. Les Crédit Unions aux Etats-Unis ne sont pas aussi puissants relativement à l’économie que ne le sont les Caisses d’Epargne en France, en Allemagne et en Italie
Cependant les Crédit Unions américains sont un secteur de banque quasi-mutualiste très puissant.
La raison de leur quasi-faillite ?
Les subprimes !
Ah bon ? Pourtant on croyait que la crise financière était finie
Eh bien, non !
Pourtant on croyait que même si la finance se portait moyennement bien les subprimes ne jouaient plus aucun rôle dans cette débâcle
Eh bien si !
Les fantômes ressurgissent et l’administration Obama et le Secretary Geitner sont obligés de donner 30 milliards de dollars à ces banques pour éviter un deuxième, ou troisième ou quatrième [on ne sait plus très bien] krach bancaire.
Le montage est classique, le Trésor américain ne va pas donner d’argent, il va le perdre. Il va garantir des obligations de ces Crédit Unions ave la quasi-certitude que ces obligations ne seront jamais honorées et donc que le gouvernement sera appelé en garantie et devra couvrir.
D’autres opérations de prise de contrôle des Crédit Unions par le gouvernement US aboutissent à ce qu’aujourd’hui le gouvernement possède 70% des avoirs de ces banques. Un chiffre inédit même sous l’administration Roosevelt dans les années 30-40 lors de la grande dépression.
Le même jour le gouvernement américain a annoncé qu’il dépenserait immédiatement 50 milliards de dollars supplémentaires (en plus de 30 milliards de dollars précités) pour couvrir les pertes dues aux subprimes et qui ont été subies par des banques aujourd’hui en faillite
La seconde nouvelle, annoncée par le Wall Street Journal est digne d’un roman policier. On a appris que les 16 pays de l’Eurogroupe avaient créé un comité ultrasecret (sic). Tellement secret que son nom est Le groupe qui n’existe pas !
Le problème avec les groupes qui n’existent pas et que justement ils n’existent pas.
Tout le monde se souvient de la Zone 51 (Area 51) censée abriter des extra-terrestres aux Etats-Unis. La base était tellement secrète que même le Président et le Congrès avaient oublié qu’elle existait. Seuls quelques obscurs fonctionnaires s’en souvenaient.
Dans le cas du groupe sans existence de l’Eurogroupe… (Ouf !) Il s’agit d’un comité créé deux mois après l’effondrement de Lehman Brothers en 2008
Le but de ce comité était de secrètement (on l’avait compris) mettre en œuvre toutes les précautions possibles pour éviter qu’un des 16 pays soit ruiné si une spéculation le menaçait. La stratégie était celle de l’union qui est censée faire la force.
Cependant des documents internes montrent que les divisions au sien de ce comité n’ont rien empêché mais au contraire ont précipité la quasi-disparition de l’Euro au premier semestre 2010.
La raison ? Des divisions irréconciliables entre les pays membres du comité secret aboutissant aux coups violents portés par les Hedge Funds et marchés financiers contre la Grèce, le Portugal, l’Irlande, l’Espagne, l’Italie et même la France et l’Allemagne
Cela montre au moins deux choses.
La crise de l’Euro fut gravissime malgré les déclarations apaisantes et édulcorées dispensées alors
Puisqu’on prétend que la crise est finie, pourquoi de tels comités secrets prolifèrent-ils pour lutter contre un danger supposé disparu ?
La troisième nouvelle est la dénégation par la Securities and Exchange Commission, de l’existence d’une demande faite par une société chinoise de créer sur le sol américain une agence de notation d’obligations et de bons du Trésor.
Une telle dénégation signifie tout simplement en langage diplomatique et financier que le processus de création d’une agence de notation d’obligations et de bons du Trésor est en train d’aboutir
Tout cela est bien normal car les agences américaines (Standards and Poors, PIMCO, Moody) ou française (Fitch) sont partout et notent financièrement les sociétés du monde entier et les gouvernements du monde entier (notation des Bons du Trésor et autres véhicules financiers). On ne voit pas pourquoi les Chinois n’auraient pas le droit de le faire
Ou cela se corse, cela veut dire que les Chinois vont pouvoir entre autres noter (ou diffuser leurs commentaires) sur le sol US (avec l’écho et l’ampleur médiatique de Wall Street et des medias américains) les Bons du Trésor US dont ils sont les plus grands détenteurs à l’étranger. Cela veut dire qu'ils pourront indirectement affecter les prix des valeurs qu’ils possèdent en les notant
D’aucuns trouvent cela inquiétant
D’autres leur répondent que cela n’est jamais que ce qui est pratiqué par les pays occidentaux dont les Etats-Unis depuis 50 ans.
En tout cas, la volatilité qui risque de s’ensuivre ne manquera pas d’agiter les marchés.
Oui, finalement, la crise est terminée !
C’est certifié par le Comité Secret qui n’existe pas.
On peut donc le croire.
Olivier Chazoule
Global Financial Crisis: everything is fine!
The crisis is over
There will be no double-dip recession (new dive crisis)
2007-2008 is far
This is the information conveyed in international financial markets throughout the month of September
Finally, everything was fine
In 48 hours, some disturbing information came to change the tone of this music euphoria
First, the U.S. government has announced that it redeemed the deficits of Credit Unions threatened by bankruptcy. The Credit Unions in the U.S. are not as powerful in relation to the economy than are the Caisses d'Epargne in France, Germany and Italy
However, the Credit Unions are a U.S. bank sector mutual quasi-powerful.
The reason for their near-bankrupt? The subprime!
Really? Yet it was believed that the financial crisis was over
Well, no!
Yet it was believed that even if finance was doing moderately well subprime no longer played any role in this debacle
Well yes!
Ghosts resurface and the Obama administration and the Secretary Geitner are obliged to give 30 billion dollars to these banks to avoid a second or third or fourth [we do not know very well] bank crash.
The assembly is conventional, the U.S. Treasury will not give money, it will lose it. It will guarantee the obligations of the Credit Union with a near certainty that these obligations will never be honored and that the government will be called in warranty will cover.
Other operations takeover of Credit Unions by the U.S. government to lead the government now owns 70% of the assets of these banks. An unprecedented number, even under the Roosevelt administration in the years 30-40 at the Great Depression.
The same day the U.S. government immediately announced it would spend an additional $ 50 billion (in addition to the aforementioned $ 30 billion) to cover losses from subprime that have been incurred by banks now bankrupt
The second news was announced by the Wall Street Journal is worthy of a detective novel. It was learned that the 16 countries of the Euro had created a top secret committee (sic). So secret that its name is the group that does not exist!
The problem with groups that do not exist and that they just do not exist.
Everyone remembers the Area 51 (Area 51) supposed harboring aliens in the United States. The base was so secret that even the President and Congress had forgotten it existed. Only a few obscure officials could remember.
In the case of the “group without any existence” of the Eurogroup (!), this is a committee created two months after the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008
The purpose of this committee was secretly (it was included) to implement all feasible precautions to avoid one of 16 countries is ruined if the speculation threatened. The strategy was that the union is supposed to force.
But internal documents show that the divisions of his committee did not stop but instead precipitated the virtual disappearance of the Euro in the first half of 2010.
The reason? Irreconcilable divisions among member countries of the secret committee leading to severe beatings by hedge funds and financial markets against Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain, Italy and even France and Germany
This shows at least two things.
The crisis was extremely serious to the Euro despite the soothing statements and then sweetened exempt
Since there so many claims that the crisis is over, why such secret committees proliferate to fight against a supposed threat disappeared?
The third news is the denial by the Securities and Exchange Commission, the existence of a request made by a Chinese company on U.S. soil to create a rating agency bonds and Treasury bills.
Such a denial simply means financial and diplomatic language that the process of creating a rating agency bonds and treasury bills is currently leading
All this is very normal because the U.S. agencies (Standard and Poors, PIMCO, Moody) or French (Fitch) are everywhere and record financial companies around the world and governments around the world (scoring Treasury bills and other financial vehicles). We do not see why the Chinese have no right to do
Where it thickens, it means that the Chinese will be among peers and note (or publicize their comments) on U.S. soil (with the echo and the magnitude of Wall Street media and U.S. media) the U.S. Treasury which they are the biggest holders abroad. That means they may indirectly affect the prices of securities they own by noting
Some find it disturbing
Others respond that it is never that which is practiced by western countries including the United States for 50 years.
In any case, the volatility that may ensue will surely shake the markets.
Yes, finally, the crisis is over!
It is certified by the Secret Committee that does not exist.
We can believe it.
Olivier Chazoule
The crisis is over
There will be no double-dip recession (new dive crisis)
2007-2008 is far
This is the information conveyed in international financial markets throughout the month of September
Finally, everything was fine
In 48 hours, some disturbing information came to change the tone of this music euphoria
First, the U.S. government has announced that it redeemed the deficits of Credit Unions threatened by bankruptcy. The Credit Unions in the U.S. are not as powerful in relation to the economy than are the Caisses d'Epargne in France, Germany and Italy
However, the Credit Unions are a U.S. bank sector mutual quasi-powerful.
The reason for their near-bankrupt? The subprime!
Really? Yet it was believed that the financial crisis was over
Well, no!
Yet it was believed that even if finance was doing moderately well subprime no longer played any role in this debacle
Well yes!
Ghosts resurface and the Obama administration and the Secretary Geitner are obliged to give 30 billion dollars to these banks to avoid a second or third or fourth [we do not know very well] bank crash.
The assembly is conventional, the U.S. Treasury will not give money, it will lose it. It will guarantee the obligations of the Credit Union with a near certainty that these obligations will never be honored and that the government will be called in warranty will cover.
Other operations takeover of Credit Unions by the U.S. government to lead the government now owns 70% of the assets of these banks. An unprecedented number, even under the Roosevelt administration in the years 30-40 at the Great Depression.
The same day the U.S. government immediately announced it would spend an additional $ 50 billion (in addition to the aforementioned $ 30 billion) to cover losses from subprime that have been incurred by banks now bankrupt
The second news was announced by the Wall Street Journal is worthy of a detective novel. It was learned that the 16 countries of the Euro had created a top secret committee (sic). So secret that its name is the group that does not exist!
The problem with groups that do not exist and that they just do not exist.
Everyone remembers the Area 51 (Area 51) supposed harboring aliens in the United States. The base was so secret that even the President and Congress had forgotten it existed. Only a few obscure officials could remember.
In the case of the “group without any existence” of the Eurogroup (!), this is a committee created two months after the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008
The purpose of this committee was secretly (it was included) to implement all feasible precautions to avoid one of 16 countries is ruined if the speculation threatened. The strategy was that the union is supposed to force.
But internal documents show that the divisions of his committee did not stop but instead precipitated the virtual disappearance of the Euro in the first half of 2010.
The reason? Irreconcilable divisions among member countries of the secret committee leading to severe beatings by hedge funds and financial markets against Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain, Italy and even France and Germany
This shows at least two things.
The crisis was extremely serious to the Euro despite the soothing statements and then sweetened exempt
Since there so many claims that the crisis is over, why such secret committees proliferate to fight against a supposed threat disappeared?
The third news is the denial by the Securities and Exchange Commission, the existence of a request made by a Chinese company on U.S. soil to create a rating agency bonds and Treasury bills.
Such a denial simply means financial and diplomatic language that the process of creating a rating agency bonds and treasury bills is currently leading
All this is very normal because the U.S. agencies (Standard and Poors, PIMCO, Moody) or French (Fitch) are everywhere and record financial companies around the world and governments around the world (scoring Treasury bills and other financial vehicles). We do not see why the Chinese have no right to do
Where it thickens, it means that the Chinese will be among peers and note (or publicize their comments) on U.S. soil (with the echo and the magnitude of Wall Street media and U.S. media) the U.S. Treasury which they are the biggest holders abroad. That means they may indirectly affect the prices of securities they own by noting
Some find it disturbing
Others respond that it is never that which is practiced by western countries including the United States for 50 years.
In any case, the volatility that may ensue will surely shake the markets.
Yes, finally, the crisis is over!
It is certified by the Secret Committee that does not exist.
We can believe it.
Olivier Chazoule